An [alleged] independent inquiry by retired NSW judge John Clarke QC has found no evidence to link Dr Haneef to the [alleged] attempted terrorist attacks in London and Glasgow which led to his arrest in July 2007.
Dr Haneef says he is satisfied by the Clarke report's findings.
"This report will go some way to restoring the reputation of me and my family," he said.
In his report, Justice Clarke said he was "mystified" by former immigration minister Kevin Andrews' decision to cancel the Indian-born doctor's visa after he was granted bail. The case against Dr Haneef later collapsed and the charges were dropped.
The inquiry found that Mr Andrews did not reflect deeply enough on his department's advice, but his decision was not politically motivated and he did not act improperly.
[Why didn't Andrews act improperly by going about denying his own departments advice? Therefore, self-explanatory that his decision was politically motivated, more likely than not, for his then boss John Howard and therefore he did act improperly. So the general public ought not be satisfied as they are told more lies and white washed about an ex-minister and totally corrupt Howard government propaganda.]
Justice Clarke also called for an independent reviewer to be appointed to oversee Australia's anti-terrorism laws, and for changes to the way the Australian Federal Police (AFP) and Immigration Department operate.
The report found that the Australian Federal Police commander who led the investigation, Ramzi Jabbour, had "lost objectivity" and the senior prosecutor, Clive Porritt, gave advice that was "obviously wrong and should never have been given".
The AFP refused to say whether Commander Jabbour still worked for the force. The Commonwealth Director of Public Prosecutions would not say whether Mr Porritt was still working, though he was effectively demoted last year.
The report also includes damaging insights into the handling of the case by two senior Howard government cabinet members, Kevin Andrews and Philip Ruddock.
The report says Mr Ruddock, the then attorney-general, failed to question the fundamental differences between the AFP's and ASIO's assessments of Dr Haneef, even though he had responsibility for both agencies - a shortcoming that "might be viewed as troubling". And it concludes the effort to oversee the affair by the Prime Minister's Department was "affected by misconceptions and miscommunication".
Dr Haneef says he does not hold resentment towards any particular person or government agency.
"I mean, whatever any wrong that has been done, definitely the Government should take a proactive role and should address them," he said.
The Federal Government says it will implement all 10 recommendations from the judicial review.
But Treasurer Wayne Swan says the Government will need time to consider the issue of compensation for Dr Haneef.
"It's too early to judge all of those matters," he said.
"The Clarke report is out there for people to comment on and make judgements about, but it's too early to be talking compensation."
Poor treatment
Dr Haneef's lawyer, Peter Russo, says the Clarke report should remove any doubt that his client was poorly treated by authorities.
"How the Australian public perceive all of this is difficult to say, but I hope that the doubters out there now know that Mohamed had done nothing wrong," he said.
The Clarke report found there was poor co-ordination between intelligence and police agencies, but Attorney-General Robert McClelland says none of the agency heads will be asked to step down.
"We don't adopt the view of life that you execute one to educate a thousand," he said.
[This was more than poor co-ordination - this was fabricated propaganda using scapegoats and supposed witches, to continue to bolster support and quell dissent in the illegal and degrading resource wars in the Middle East.
This was a corrupt government and its police agency creating their own crimes and fear-mongering based on nothing accept John Howard’s agenda. Heads should roll and one of those heads has to be Mick 'Guilty' for covering up pre-meditated state-terror and over a number of years during the John Howard corrupt government.
ASIO and the Federal Police blatantly lied to the Australian people and worse still will do it again if nothing is done about it. Why don't we adopt a view that there are bad apples who are all too willing to do a dirty governments bidding?]
Meanwhile, Queensland Health Minister Stephen Robertson says Dr Haneef would be welcome to work in the state again.
"Dr Haneef's qualifications were appropriate to his position at the Gold Coast Hospital," he said.
"If he sought to return to Queensland, there, in our view, is no barrier to him resuming his career in Queensland should he wish to apply for a position with Queensland Health."
Professor George Williams from the University of New South Wales says the report should have urged the Government to completely scrap provisions allow continuing detention.
"Instead of recommending that that be changed, that the law not actually have an unlimited period of detention, it simply says that that should be reviewed, thereby leaving it up to the Government to make its own decision and not presenting the Government with a clear mandate for change," he said.
"It needed to go further in recommending changes to the law. It needed also to deal in a better way with some of the problems in the decision to cancel Dr Haneef's visa."
The Greens says the Government has failed to hold police and intelligence agencies to account for their mishandling of the case.
Greens Senator Scott Ludlum has [said] no-one is taking responsibility for errors.
"I think it's absolutely extraordinary, given the scale of the successive bungles that were made, some obviously politically motivated and some perhaps not, I think it's really extraordinary that no-one, that at the end of the day, the buck seems to stop with no-one," he said.
The Greens say the Federal Government is risking another bungled investigation like the Haneef case unless counter-terrorism laws are overhauled immediately.
Senator Ludlum says it's extremely likely the same thing wil happen again unless changes are made.
"In Australia under Prime Minister John Howard, we passed some of the most aggresive and draconian terror laws in the world," he said.
"It's really no surprise that what happened to Dr Haneef was able to occur. And as long as all those laws are still on the books there's nothing to stop the same happening again to anybody."
Mr McClelland said the arrest and detention of Dr Haneef for longer than allowed was "totally unacceptable" and followed failings that included "errors of judgment … inadequate procedures … inadequate testing and contesting of competing advice … lack of attention identifying the role of different agencies … and lack of appropriate training and direction from the leadership of several agencies".
Updated 2009
These are all people who could have potentially covered-up, or made up tall stories and some will say did cover up for the Howard government's complicity in state terror.
The real reason for hundreds of other deaths. Deaths identified as from other causes that were (not valid reasons given because of discrepancies in the evidence that suggests other reasons about why they died) like those deaths in the Bali Bombings and the Sieve X.
So when these ministers and police are identified as having lied to the Australian people or acted improperly then they should be held to account for it and not just brushed aside like nothing happened.
How many more lies did ex-ministers and police tell the Australian people about the alleged war on terror? (war on resources in the Middle East). How many innocent people, scapegoats and witches are locked up for it now? How many more will be locked up for it later? All the Australian people want is the truth, Now!
The [alleged], federal opposition will support changes to the nation's terrorism, [? draconian scapegoat], laws, which the Government is expected to introduce to Parliament today.
New laws to make it difficult for people charged with terrorism offences, [scapegoats for the Coalition of the Killing's resource war's in the Middle East], to get bail have been whisked through the New South Wales Parliament after only being introduced earlier today.
The New South Wales Attorney-General has rushed new laws into State Parliament to make it difficult for people charged with terrorism offences, [scapegoats for the Coalition of the Killing's resource war's in the Middle East], to get bail.
QUEENSLAND crime-fighting bodies will be given formidable new powers to track and thwart terrorists. [ accuse scapegoats and patsies for the Coalition of the Killing's resource war's in the Middle East], Legislation to be introduced to State.
The house raids are 'fishing expeditions of suburbs'. Their objective is to find as much common handyman hardware, common internet and reading material, or anything that they can use as a conspiracy theory against a person. And to claim that material was going to be used for terrorist activity. But if police raid a whole suburb without probable cause then no doubt they could easily find such material. They don't need 'probable cause'. In other words they don't need to state what it is they're looking for prior the raid? Nor why they are raiding etc...
Quote: Any corrupt head of state, like ex-Prime Minister and War Criminal John Howard. Or Minister of any government of the crown like ex-Attorney General Philip Ruddock and ex-Immigration minister Kevin Andrews. Or Police force heads of ASIO or the AFP, officer's that bent the law for any other head of state, like the fall guy for Mick Guilty, Commander Ramzi Jabbour and fall guy for the Howard government, DPP prosecutor Clive Porritt - like corrupt war criminal John Howard - should be identified as a traitor to the Australian people and tried for their crimes.
These are all people who could have potentially covered-up, or made up tall stories and some will say did cover up for the Howard government's complicity in state terror.
The real reason for hundreds of other deaths. Deaths identified as from other causes that were (not valid reasons given because of discrepancies in the evidence that suggests other reasons about why they died) like those deaths in the Bali Bombings and the Sieve X.
So when these ministers and police are identified as having lied to the Australian people or acted improperly then they should be held to account for it and not just brushed aside like nothing happened.
How many more lies did ex-ministers and police tell the Australian people about the alleged war on terror? (war on resources in the Middle East). How many innocent people, scapegoats and witches are locked up for it now? How many more will be locked up for it later? All the Australian people want is the truth, Now!
Some History on Draconian Laws:
Commonwealth ombudsman John McMillan expects there will be a need for better accountability as terrorism, [? draconian scapegoat], laws are bolstered across Australia.

Terror trial: criminalising speech
This self-serving drive results in injustices against the individuals targeted, but it also endangers freedoms for all of us. So far the Muslim community has been targeted but this could spread to include activist groups in the future if people are unwilling to defend their civil liberties.
State provocations, security and Socialist Alternative The failure of the protest organisation Socialist Alternative (SA) to issue any serious response to revelations that a police agent provocateur spent a considerable period of time working within their ranks provides a revealing insight into the class character of the organisation and the opportunist nature of its politics.
Hicks 'won't tell story until he recovers'
Former Guantanamo Bay prisoner David Hicks has no intention of speaking about his experience in the near future, his lawyer says.
David Hicks breaks his silence
The [framed ex-prisoner] says he is very worried that the controversial control order obtained by the Australian Federal Police (AFP) to restrict his activities may be extended.
ASIO officers should be prosecuted
The charges against Izhar Ul-Haque were withdrawn last year, after a Supreme Court judge ruled that two ASIO officers had been "grossly improper" and criminal in their interviews with the student.
Ex-CIA Officials Tied to Rendition Program and Faulty Iraq Intel Tapped to Head Obama’s Intelligence Transition Team John Brennan and Jami Miscik, both former intelligence officials under George Tenet, are leading Barack Obama’s review of intelligence agencies and helping make recommendations to the new administration. Brennan has supported warrantless wiretapping and extraordinary rendition, and Miscik was involved with the politicized intelligence alleging weapons of mass destruction in the lead-up to the war on Iraq. We speak with former CIA analyst Melvin Goodman and Michael Ratner of the Center for Constitutional Rights.
Police provocateur infiltrates political and protest groups
In a series of articles published last month, Melbourne's Age newspaper revealed that a covert police agent recently infiltrated several left-wing political and activist groups, including Socialist Alternative, Stop the War Coalition, Unity for Peace, and Animal Liberation Victoria. Beginning in 2006, the agent provocateur was involved in anti-Iraq war demonstrations—including last year's Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) protests in Sydney—animal liberation actions, and participated in planning meetings for a protest to be held against a weapons fair in South Australia.
There's never been a terrorist attack in Australia
Just yesterday an ATM was blown out of a wall though. Hole in wall' gang blow out ATM The damage caused when thieves blew away the brick wall of a North Ryde shopping centre to steal an ATM.
Not one shred of evidence, Haneef case
Federal police knew they had nothing to link Mohammed Haneef to terrorism, but pressed on regardless, writes David Marr.
ASIO agent watched my torture - Habib
"I had to stand for hours and hours on my toes, trying not to drown: Mamdouh Habib with his family in a Bankstown cafe, yesterday. From his left are his children Ahmed, Maryam, Moustafa and Hajer, and his wife Maha.
Thomas lawyers call for inquiry
Lawyers for Melbourne man Jack Thomas are calling for an inquiry into the conduct of the Australian Federal Police and Commonwealth Director of Prosecutions, in pursuing him on terrorism charges.
Concern over anti-terrorism laws
THE Haneef inquiry emerged briefly into daylight yesterday to hear the former chief justice Sir Gerard Brennan express concern that security laws are causing "too great an erosion of our fundamental rights".
Stand down, lawyers tell Keelty
THE Australian Federal Police Commissioner, Mick Keelty, should stand down pending the outcome of the Clarke Inquiry into the handling of the Haneef case, the Australian Lawyers Alliance said yesterday.
Legal experts to mull Haneef case
The head of the inquiry, retired Supreme Court judge John Clarke QC, says the forum will examine legislation as it applied to Dr Haneef.
Benbrika guilty on terrorism charges
A Victorian Supreme Court jury has found Abdul Nacer Benbrika guilty [Draconian Laws] of leading a terrorist group.
Jury discharged in terrorism book trial
Khazal's barrister said his client wrote just two paragraphs in the book, with most of it written by other people.
Jury finds man guilty of terrorist book charge
A Supreme Court jury has found a man guilty of one terrorism-related offence and is still considering its verdict on a second terrorism-related charge.
Judge attacks disparity in laws
Justice Kirby was at the University of NSW last night to accept an honorary Doctorate of Laws for his ''eminent service to the community''.
Suspended sentence in winery terrorist plot
A Victorian grape grower who planned to blow up a rival winery in the state's north-east has been given a suspended sentence.
Terror suspects held in 'repressive' conditions: lawyer
Lawyer Rob Stary who represented five of the men convicted of terrorism related offences said the conditions they were held in were 'repressive. He said the Government should review the anti-terror laws.
Key witness terrorism trial previously jailed
Outside the court, defence lawyer Rob Stary criticised Federal Attorney-General Robert McClelland for comments made while the trial was still underway.
'Traumatic, stressful' terrorism trial - lawyer
A lawyer for one of the men found not guilty in Australia's largest [scapegoat] terrorism trial has spoken about the effect of the long-running trial on his client and on his own life.
Haneef to seek compensation
Greens...AFP needs to properly explain the reasons why it pursued the case against Dr Haneef. MORE than a year after a terrorism charge against him was dropped and more than $8 million later, the Australian Federal Police have finally confirmed they have cleared the Indian doctor Mohamed Haneef as a suspect.
Haneef advice ignored by Andrews: lawyers
Lawyers for former Gold Coast-based Dr Mohamed Haneef say they have obtained new documents showing former immigration minister Kevin Andrews ignored advice from his own department.
Haneef's lawyer wants secret dossier released
A lawyer representing former Gold Coast-based doctor Mohamed Haneef says a secret dossier used to cancel his client's visa contained no incriminating evidence against his client.
High Court rejects appeal against Thomas retrial
The High Court has rejected an application for an appeal by Melbourne man Jack Thomas against his retrial on terrorism-related charges.
Haneef lawyers want more powers in probe
Lawyers acting for Mohamed Haneef want an inquiry investigating the failed terrorism case against him to be given the powers of a royal commission.
Haneef case evidence 'to remain secret'
The retired judge who is investigating the case of Dr Mohamed Haneef says much of the evidence he has received will have to remain secret.
AFP denied lawyer to Haneef: report
Mohamed Haneef's lawyers say the Australian Federal Police (AFP) repeatedly denied their client's request for a lawyer to be present during his first interview.
Contradictory verdicts in Australia’s largest terrorism trial
Australia’s largest and most protracted terrorist trial ended with distinctly mixed results last week in Melbourne. After a Victorian Supreme Court trial that ran for 115 days, the nine women and three men on the jury took nearly four weeks to reach their verdicts. While they found seven of the twelve defendants guilty of terrorist-related offences, they acquitted four others of all charges and were unable to reach a unanimous verdict on another, who now faces a lengthy re-trial.
Bill: Independent reviewer for terrorism laws
Two Liberal Senators have introduced a private member's bill calling for an independent reviewer of terrorism laws.
Thomas to appeal retrial order
Lawyers for Victorian man Jack Thomas will appeal to the High Court against a decision to retry him on terrorism related charges.
Court orders retrial for Jack Thomas
The Court of Appeal has ordered that Victorian man Jack Thomas must be retried on terrorism-related charges.
Court denies Lodhi leave to appeal
Lodhi claimed the trial did not establish that he had actually decided to carry out a terrorist attack.
Haneef's lawyer says inquiry is weak
The inquiry into Australian authorities' handling of the Mohamed Haneef case needs stronger powers to avoid becoming a "toothless tiger", the former terror suspect's lawyer says.
Push for overhaul of laws on terrorism
In a paper in Judicial Review he said that the National Security Information Act "gves te appearance of having been drafted by persons who have little knowledge of the function and processes of a criminal trial".
Hicks media gag order ends
As part of the deal, he was also banned from speaking to the media after his release in December 2007.
Terror trial halted over prison conditions
A Supreme Court judge has put a Melbourne terrorism trial on hold and ordered Corrections Victoria to change prison conditions of the 12 accused men.
Australia: THE MONSTER
If the MONSTER says that you're a Muslim and should be locked away and tortured for thought crimes, then you should. If the MONSTER goes fishing in your backyard and says that they found explosives to make a bomb to blow up a landmark, then that is exactly what you were doing.
Use of police infiltrators raises fresh questions about “terrorist” raids in Australia According to the report, which has been confirmed by lawyers, the infiltrator acted as a provocateur to incite and entrap the alleged leader of the group, Islamic cleric Nacer Benbrika. The officer asked Benbrika to accompany him to test explosives in late 2004. The explosives had been supplied by police, who covertly monitored the trip.
Faheem Lodhi - another non-terrorist jailed under Australia's 'anti-terror' laws? Jack Thomas, a non-terrorist, has been jailed under Australia's anti-terror laws. Now Faheem Lodhi has been convicted under the terror laws on flimsy, circumstantial evidence. It is likely he is another non-terrorist jailed for political purposes under the terror laws.
Anti-liberty laws should never be passed
Law Council president John North said the laws were flawed because they allowed people to be held without charge. "There's no amount of tinkering with those laws that can save the badness of that particular law," he said.
Neo-Liberal MP's approve fascism with minor changes!
Federal dictator john hoWARd's neo-liberal MP's have approved changes to the industrial relations system (irrational relations), new counter-terrorism laws (draconian anti-liberty-laws), and the welfare-to-work [social services] package, (sick and desperate to work orders) but these are only minor changes to the draconian laws!
At Aussie we'll raid you?
Melbourne raids for Sri Lankan Authorities? Australian Federal police have raided several Melbourne addresses while they say, they were investigating possible local links for Sri Lankan Authorities.
Scapegoat law should be made redundant
There is a good faith exception which seems to me to be a reversal of proof. In other words, the practical effect of the new legislation is that a person accused of doing any of the things in the new Criminal Code [?] bears the onus of showing he or she did not act with a seditious intent. This is repugnant to the notions of fair process. [Repugnant knowing that it was presented by war criminal John Howard as well.]
Lawyers urge open reporting of terrorism cases
Justice Marcus Einfeld of the Supreme Court 'warned' secret hearings or evidence would result in an unsavoury Guantanamo-style legal system under which there were no checks on the power of authorities.
Scapegoat to stand trial because police said: he lied?
Because police said Abdul Rakid Hasan lied to them 'twice' and now he has to prove that he didn't lie to them 'twice' by facing two charges one for each alleged lie? The man was one of eight arrested in last week's counter-terrorism raids. [Scapegoat raids to bolster support and help quell dissent for the Coalition of the Killings illegal and degrading resource wars in the Middel East.]
Prime Minister Guilty of Sedition
These proposed laws break internationally recognised treaties on human rights, overturn the fundamental principle of presumption of innocence, and seriously threaten free speech and protest.
Man shot by police in ASIO fishing raids
New South Wales Premier Morris Iemma has told Parliament the shooting is under investigation. [? by the same people who shot him? So you know what the result is don't you? Police who investigate police!]
Anti-war rally report and photos
MELBOURNE: Rob Stary, president of the Criminal Defence Lawyers Association, was one of the main speakers who attacked the anti-terrorism laws as abhorrent to Australia's liberal democratic values.
Thousands flood streets to protest draconian laws
Thousands of people protested their concerns yesterday that new draconian Anti-Terror laws were an attack on dissent, not fit for a dog and any new sedition laws would strangle freedom of speech and target innocent people.
Australian Prime Minister Plays Terror Card
The Australian government is under intense pressure to water down proposed draconian laws that include provisions whereby peaceful anti-war protesters could be jailed for 7 years under the language that they support the opposition of the Australian military.
Anti-terrorism laws inquiry calls for submissions
After lobbying from the Australian Democrats, the Government has agreed to a three-week inquiry. Democrats leader Lyn Allison is expecting a strong response from the community. "I think it's going to generate a lot of interest, I think there will be a lot of submissions," Senator Allison said. But Senator Allison doubts if her party will support the legislation.
Govt yet to show proper need for anti-terrorism laws: former judge
Professor Nicholson does not believe the Government has demonstrated a proper need for the legislation. He says some judges may refuse to sit to hear applications under the law, or may regard the legislation as unlawful.
Nazi tones in John Howard's anti-terror laws, says Malcolm Fraser
FORMER Liberal prime minister Malcolm Fraser has suggested parts of the Howard Government's anti-terror package resemble measures taken by Adolf Hitler and says Kim Beazley's handling of opposition to the package should determine his leadership.
Arbitrary Detention and Magna Carta
Perhaps some rear-view vision may help you when considering the laws now being proposed regarding arbitrary detention. It is somewhat gratifying that international treaties are belatedly being cited as reasons to oppose this slide into dictatorship, but it is odd that no-one seems to remember what underpins our personal freedom here and the whole of our legal system.
The race that doesn't stop the nation
CANBERRA: And welcome to Canberra on the first Tuesday in November for the race that doesn't stop the nation. The Anti-Terrorism Cup. The final horses are being brought into the barriers, and we are almost ready for the start. "Cross the Floor" from the Joyce stables is looking very frisky. English horse "Shoot to Kill" is playing up, with jockey T Blair struggling to keep his mare under control. Blair has had a lot of trouble in foreign races lately, with "Dossier" causing massive problems in the Middle East two years ago. She is now in, and ready to go.
Constitution: Defending Against State Terror and Despots
Australia has no major laws that are not derivatives of English Law and all of our major laws rely on British court precedents for interpretation and implementation. These laws and our Constitutional Monarchy system create a situation where, even if Howard and all State Premiers vote unanimously on the Anti-Terrorist laws, and every ALP/Dem/Lib/Nat/Green party hack also votes unanimously on their laws, and even if such laws are given Royal Assent, those laws are still void.
Preventive Detention: A Shield or A Sword?
There is a consensus among educated Australians that Preventive Detention is inimical to the democratic evolution of our country. Many are those who argue that given the standards of our time preventive detention is an unnecessary evil.
Cracks in terror solidarity
In remarks that are at odds with the Premier, Morris Iemma's determined support for the legislation, Mr Debus said yesterday: "I think I share the concern about the legislation with plenty of other people. I don't query that we need to have very tough responses to the threat of terrorism [actually though, the community do query it because the actual threat of terrorism is coming from the Government] and I don't query that the premiers have signed off on a framework last month.
ASIO laws: Don't be silenced
The secrecy surrounding the proposed national anti-``terror'' legislation stands in stark contrast to previous ASIO and "anti-terror'' laws that have been subject to scrutiny by parliamentary committees and public hearings.
Despoja: Stanhope hero of the hour
Natasha Stott Despoja has described Mr Stanhope as the "hero of the hour". Senator Despoja says there is meant to be a vote on the draft legislation in the week beginning November 7.
Stanhope stands his ground
Stanhope: It is bizarre to think legislation of this significance can be rushed into Parliament without consulting a single Australian.
Australia: Draconian laws draw rights watchdog's ire
Human Rights Watch has condemned Australia's proposed anti-terrorism laws as a "shocking departure" from its historical championing of the rights of the individual.
Australia: Rattling the cage
Recently, the federal government announced a controversial new 'counter-terrorism' package. Civil libertarians were quick to raise the spectre of a police state . Yet Muslim groups argued that the new security regime is already having an impact on the democratic freedoms and everyday safety of their communities.
Anti-terrorism laws put rights at risk: Fraser
Former prime minister Malcolm Fraser says Australians could be treated unfairly under the Government's anti-terrorism [draconian] laws unless a human rights act is introduced.
They know where you live
Twenty-four hours after the country's leaders agreed to draconian counter-terrorism laws this week, the Attorney-General, Philip Ruddock, was playing down media claims that ASIO believed there were 800 would-be suicide bombers living in Australia.
When Terrorism Outlaws Democracy
On September 27, 2005, Australian democracy surrendered to terrorism. On that day, a coalition of willing federal and state leaders agreed to anti-terrorism legislation that will enable police persecution of the Muslim community and threaten dissidents with imprisonment. In a country without a Bill of Rights, the prospect of more draconian Terror Laws delivers ultimate control through fear. Australia, with its history of penal colonies, racism and detention centers, is now set to become a police state.
Mein Kampf by John Howard
Months before Bali Au warships were seen invading Iraqi territorial waters in deliberate provocations under American protection. It was obvious that Howard had decided before Bali to join in an illegal and aggressive invasion of Iraq and in fact , when that happened, it was led by Au stormtroopers BEFORE the ultimatum given Baghdad had even run out!
Australia, USA, Iraq: Scott Parkin
The rapid and widespread response to the detention of US peace and global justice activist, Scott Parkin, has been heartening and effective on many levels. Actions have taken place in Melbourne, Sydney, Brisbane, Cairns and outside several Australian Consulates in the United States.
In anticipation of the special Council of Australian Governments (COAG) meeting on counter-terrorism [scapegoats for resource wars in the Middle East.] to be held on 27 September, I announce a number of proposals to further strengthen Australia's counter-terrorism laws [make arrangements for the government and its agents to lock up anyone they want to in prison for any alleged reason whatsoever.] These proposals are designed to enable us to better deter, prevent, detect and prosecute acts of terrorism.
Government warned Terror Laws "inherently dangerous, draconian and open to misuse" John North, Law Council of Australia: "In times of fear, it is easy for governments to impose ever (more) draconian laws."
The Terrorism of ASIO Laws
Wanda Fish asks Australian Senators to reject Howard's proposal to strengthen laws that already erode our basic legal rights. This legislation has the potential to turn ASIO agents into terrorists who can kidnap and detain innocent Australians simply because they "might know something".
hoWARd, ruddock, ellison, keelty and news ltd plotted chaos
AUSTRALIA/CUBA: Government and corporate propaganda agencies 'believe' they have foiled an attack on the Melbourne Stock Exchange by a radical Islamic network linked to a covert group, which has carried out surveillance on key Sydney sites.
Houses raided over 'possible' political attack plans?
ASIO have raided a number of properties in Melbourne on a 'fishing expedition' in relation to a 'possible' political scare campaign by the hoWARd government, playing on the fears of all Australians... again!
Threat of terrorism overblown, says Kirby
The High Court judge Michael Kirby has urged Australia's security chiefs and judges not to exaggerate the risk of terrorism, saying that more people die of AIDS every day than were killed in the World Trade Centre in the September 11 [US false flag] attacks.
Innocent witch verballed by federal fascists!
Shame on the federal fascists. The wicked old witch is dead! A Melbourne Magistrates Court has heard that a 31-year-old innocent Victorian man was facing terrorism charges?
Lawyer blames police for Habib break-in
John HoWARd, Alexander Downer, Phillip Ruddock, Robert Hill, to name just a few....HOW DO YOU PLEAD?
NSW Prisoners' linked to Osama Bin Laden: Ten News
NSW prisoners held in a "box within a box" with "no fresh air or sunlight" at the countries terrorist jail (HRMU) or High Risk Management Unit at Goulburn Correctional Centre, (a super-max prison in NSW), are said to have followed Osama Bin Laden from their isolated cells.
AFP: The unlikely CRIMINAL
It was born of a bombing and it made its name after a far more devastating act of terrorism. But for most of the 25 years in between, little was known about the Australian Federal Police force or the work it did.
Police will be able to break into your home without your knowledge and no less than a common criminal not tell their victims that they are doing it.
PM, Carr attacked as judge pulls plug
In November 2002, as chairman of the International Commission of Jurists, he told a Senate inquiry "it is patently clear" that proposed anti-terrorism legislation "is aimed at Muslims". His submission said the new laws would be "subverting [liberty] more effectively than terrorism could ever do".
He was an undercover agent for the blues
He was my journalist, he was working undercover. The fellow knew all of the moves.... He really had me romping, bare footing stomping. He just kept igniting my fuse....
Draconian Scapegoat laws: Every Breath You Take?
Commonwealth ombudsman John McMillan expects there will be a need for better accountability as terrorism, [? draconian scapegoat], laws are bolstered across Australia.
Up there Khazal: Innocent man new bail laws
The New South Wales Supreme Court has asked innocent man Belal Khazal to increase to amount of surety offered, before the bail is formally continued.
Labor to back new draconian scapegoat laws?
The [alleged], federal opposition will support changes to the nation's terrorism, [? draconian scapegoat], laws, which the Government is expected to introduce to Parliament today.
Scapegoat bail laws pass NSW Parliament
New laws to make it difficult for people charged with terrorism offences, [scapegoats for the Coalition of the Killing's resource war's in the Middle East], to get bail have been whisked through the New South Wales Parliament after only being introduced earlier today.
Hatzsistergos defends speedy draconian laws
The New South Wales Government has been accused of "ramming" through a bill designed to make it much tougher for people to get bail if they are accused of terrorism-related offences, [scapegoats for the Coalition of the Killing's resource war's in the Middle East.]
Moroney moves to appeal Khazal bail decision
The federal government created the draconian laws, based on their resource war's in the Middle East and numerous, call to arms, false flag operations around the world. Then the government fear-mongered the general public about it, by using their media power, and then the federal government came up with their own solutions, about how to fix the problems, they themselves have created, for their own reasons. Now we have reduced, oversight, standards at law and reduced rules of evidence etc. Now Moroney wants to take away bail which proves the obvious.
New laws to stop bail for scapegoats
The New South Wales Attorney-General has rushed new laws into State Parliament to make it difficult for people charged with terrorism offences, [scapegoats for the Coalition of the Killing's resource war's in the Middle East], to get bail.
What's the Rush? Non Parole period for scapegoats
[Problem, Reaction, Solution. Firstly, the ASIO provocateur creates the problem, (approaches Jack Roche and asks...Can you take pictures of the Israel Embassy?) then (Roach thinks he's found a friend that also hates Israel) and then (ASIO set him up as the patsie), and then the Government gets a response from the corporate media and the general public about what to do about it. Then Ruddock finds the solution.]
Khazal: A stitch in time saves nine?
Lakemba man Belal Khazal, 34, was granted bail yesterday after appearing in Sydney's Central Local Court charged with activities related to terrorism. [Another Scapegoat for the Coalition of the Killing's resource war's in the Middle East.]
Channel Nine judge finds Saleh Jamal Guilty?
Why would a man carry out a shooting attack on a police station in Sydney's south-western suburbs? Because police wouldn't give him a licence? Because police owed him money?
If Roche wasn't "attention seeking" then he was bowled over and used by John Howard to promote his war on terror, and his addiction to promoting Abu Bakar Bashir as the ringleader of some fictional group called (JI) made up by the CIA.
Ruddock moves to give police access to emails
Police could get access to stored voicemails; emails and SMS messages under a Bill introduced to federal Parliament today. [War criminal], Attorney-General Philip Ruddock says police have had trouble getting access to stored messages because of the laws preventing them intercepting phone calls.
Australia: Innocent man granted bail
Innocent man Izhar Ul Haque was granted bail today by the NSW Supreme Court. Justice Peter Hidden granted the 21-year-old Sydney medical student $200,000 bail.
Young men terrorised, tortured, and threatened with charges for no crime by Australia mate the lucky country. Lucky if you're not used for Howard's FEDERAL ELECTION and George Dubya's WAR ON LIBERTY! Who shot liberty? IGNORANCE!
Ul-Haque 'the man who wants to become a doctor'
The taskforce is investigating French man Willie Brigitte, who was tipped back home for a visa breach. Allegedly the Un-Australian Newspaper claimed he also attended training camps before his six-month stay in Sydney. Police have not alleged Mr Ul-Haque knew Brigitte. The Un-Australian just mentioned it because they are 'you guessed it' up John Howard's butt and they like the USA want 'you guessed it' our Federal Government. Well Yankee go home!
Protest Against the Incarceration of Izhar Ul Haque
Izhar is one of the new victims of Australia's draconian civil liberties deprivation laws. He has been accused of visiting a group that was not proscribed until ten months after Izhar's alleged visit.
Terror force has chip on its shoulder?
Ron Woodham the prisons bum boy commissioner creates the problem (Noble Cause Corruption for Bob Carr) by framing a prisoner, then seeks a reaction from the community for the false flag operation, then finds the solution that the government wanted to implement in the first place.
QLD Politician (Community Safety?) Amendment Bill 2004
QUEENSLAND crime-fighting bodies will be given formidable new powers to track and thwart terrorists. [ accuse scapegoats and patsies for the Coalition of the Killing's resource war's in the Middle East], Legislation to be introduced to State.
Govt rejects ul-Haque's family 'political scapegoat' claims
The Federal Government has rejected as unfounded, claims that it is making a political scapegoat out of a Sydney man arrested on terrorism charges. [Scapegoat for the Coalition of the Killing's resource war's in the Middle East.]
Dictatorship under the crimes Act?
[War criminal], Attorney General Phillip Ruddock said yesterday under the Crimes Act Izhar Ul Haque committed a crime. But the real crime was preventing a 21-year-old young man decide for himself what is wrong and what is right. What a disgrace! Under the heading, further education.
Brain injury for suspicion 'inhumane'
Faheem Khalid Lodhi refused bail by a Sydney court and remanded until June in hell at the (HARM-U) High Risk Management Unit at Goulburn. While he is in there he will receive a brain injury and is likely to self-harm due to the gross violation of living standards.
Keelty foresees more terrorism
Australian Federal Police (AFP) Commissioner Mick Keelty says terrorist groups will continue to find new ways to threaten countries.
Daily Terror rolled-over for Howard's war games
The DAILY TERROR is suspected of being the source of the news this morning that Willie Brigitte is a terrorist and that Sydney faces a bomb attack.
Should Howard be detained indefinitely?
Australian mock, convicted terrorist and, [war criminal], John Howard is seriously considering appealing the precise time limit on detaining terrorist suspects,[scapegoats for the Coalition of the Killing's resource war's in the Middle East.]
Counter-terrorism-fear-mongering, propaganda exercise to test several states For the first time, Australia is about to test its ability to respond to terrorism threats and acts, [fear-mongering, propaganda for the Coalition of the Killing's resource wars in the Middle East], in several states simultaneously.
HoWARd, where's your head at?
Australians is living on the edge! Seems each time the bombs go off overseas for the Coalition of the Killing's resource war's in the Middle East Australians are living on the edge.
Australia: National Insecurity Anthem
Australians all let us give voice. For we are free no more. We've lost the right to liberty. In Uncle Howard's war. From high school kids. To journalists. You'll be in custody. If someone you know, give ASIO. A little insecurity.
Howard gov't and media talks up terror
First it was the Lucas Height nuclear reactor Willie Brigitte was alleged to have been planing to blow up. ASIO alleged to have found some type of map as evidence late last year.
Australian corporate media? Brigitte allegations?
A plot to attack the Lucas Heights Nuclear Reactor and blow up the Daily Telegraph Newspaper building is alleged to have been the reason Willie Brigitte was deported back to France. Believe it or not?
Brigitte release 'imminent for lack of evidence': lawyer
Lawyers for deported terror suspect, [scapgoat for the Coalition of the Killings resource war in the Middle East], Willie Brigitte expect he may be released shortly by French authorities due to a lack of evidence.
Did 'Jihad Jack' train at GI boot camp?
Parody: Jack Thomas, the Melbourne man allegedly linked to, [US demon], al-Qa'ida, [keywords: links, plots, cells, training camps, boot camps, terrorists, jihad, al-Qa'ida], through a friend of a friend of a friend, who had known about al-Qa'ida being investigated by police.
Man on first terror charge not first alleged terrorist
Zak Mallah of Condell Park was arrested overnight when federal and NSW police slipped on a banana skin into a western Sydney reserve and then raided his home.
Big Bang Theory, ASIO
The most significant threat to Australia is Prime Minister John Howard. Howard has lied to the Australian people constantly. Slaughtered the international rule of law by preventive strikes on Iraq, rigorously changed laws to deter asylum seekers, locked up children of asylum seekers, and undermined the political process by jailing Pauline Hanson, political prisoner of the year.
Sydney man terrorised by the NSW Police Force
Senior New South Wales police say s charges have been laid against a man in Sydney. Police say a 20-year-old has been charged with committing an action in preparation for a terrorist attack.
ASIO bill expected to pass Senate
The war criminal, Federal Attorney-General has defended proposed new ASIO, [an Australian terrorist organisation], powers which would limit the media's ability to report on terrorist investigations, [scapegoat investigations.]
Australian Corruption: Absence in Absentia
Two Sydney brothers illegally sentenced in Lebanon to 10 years' hard labour could cancel extradition, despite the fascist dictator John Howard declaring Australia is ready to extradite them.
Lawyer said Govt made Brigitte a scapegoat
Lawyer, Phillipe Valent: "The story of Mr Brigitte will help the Government to try to pass a new law."
Daily Telegraph: Wife had a key role in war
[Allegedly], Mr Willie Brigitte's wife was being trained by the army to fight the Resource Wars, in the Middle East and the War on Liberty here at home.
ASIO: No responsibility!
Blick: "Because these searches are carried out with the cooperation of police forces, both AFP [Australian Federal Police] and state police, it's not always entirely clear which members of the team ... are those supposed to have done the things which people complain about," he said.
Australian fascist laws ready as scapegoat talks
ASIO [state terrorists], could use its special draconian powers for the first time in coming days as security forces [state terrorists] step up their investigation of French terror suspect [scapegoat], Willie Brigitte.
Fascist wants more power for ASIO
[War criminal] Federal Attorney-General Philip Ruddock wants to strengthen Australia's terrorism laws, [scapegoat laws], to make it easier for the Australian Security Intelligence Organisation (ASIO) [state terrorists] to hold and question suspects [scapegoats and patsies], without any evidence for three years and ban organisations.
NSW Terrorist Minister leads the way
New South Wales is hosting a two-day conference of state and territory prisons ministers on how to detain terrorists [scapegoats for the Coalition of the Killing's resource war's in the Middle East.]
Child detainees 'living in a nightmare', report finds
A report being released today documents disturbing evidence about mental health for children in detention centres. The report is a joint work by the Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists, NSW University and NSW psychiatrists.
Gulag bill: ASIO set to ignite blazing debate
The Howard Government's controversial ASIO legislation [draconian laws] has top billing in the list of legislation to be debated when Parliament resumes today.The bill, due to be introduced into the Senate, gives ASIO officers [Noble Cause Corruption officers] new powers to detain for a week citizens aged 14 and over [child abuse and draconian laws.]
No need for new terrorism laws: DPP
The New South Wales Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP) has rejected the idea of new laws against terrorism in Australia.
Australia: Terrorising you in secret
Suspected terrorists [scapegoats and patsies for the Coalition of the Killing's resource wars in the Middle East] will be tried in secret under new laws to be introduced by the Federal Government.
When real safety is jeopardised in NSW
Perception of crime is still a problem in NSW, with a new Productivity Commission report showing the state's citizens feel less safe than most of their counterparts.
Midnight Special
Well, I know her by her apron and the dress she wore.
Umbrella on her shoulder, a piece of paper in her hand.
She gonna tell old Rotten Ron Woodham she want back her man.
2nd Renaissance -10 The War on Witches [150]
In 1484, Pope Innocent VIII issued a Papal Bull that became the rationale for establishing the Inquisition in Germany. The following excerpt from the Bull sets out the official view of the danger of witches to the community. The Bull and this this passage provided the sole excuse for the torture and cruel executions that were, ultimately, to be the fate of up to fifty percent of the population of some villages.
As we go to press (December 2002), both the Federal parliament and the NSW parliament are debating legislation that would give police and ASIO agents greater powers of search, interrogation and detention, and significantly erode the fundamental rights of citizens. In both cases, of course, the alleged purpose of the bills is to combat terrorism.
Special powers? Or political grandstanding?
In NSW, great slews of legislation over the past year have increased powers for everything from police to sniffer pups and train guards and vastly reduced the rights of individuals to engage in civil disobedience, freedom of expression and communication with each other.
Give peace a chance
Dowd has condemned the State and Federal Governments' anti-terrorism measures, claiming they erode rights and give encouragement to oppressive regimes.
Bills, Bills and more Bills NSW Parliament deep in debt
NSW Parliament is unjustifiable creating intellectual debt, Academics, politicians, judges, lawyers and volunteers.
It is an absolute disgrace to: Undermine civil and democratic rights The event, hosted by a State MP Lee Rhiannon just a week before the meeting of the World Trade Organisation in Sydney, has enraged Police Minister Michael Costa, who said using the House for the event was appalling. Upper House Greens MP Lee Rhiannon is hosting the forum for about 60 people in State Parliament's Jubilee Room on November 8.
The scavengers of terror
The NSW Government is to introduce increased police powers bill. Legislation giving New South Wales police special powers to deal with an emergency terrorist situation [emergency scapegoat situation] will be introduced into the New South Wales Parliament today.
Greens more of a human touch
What is a real job? Writes Political Reporter Malcolm Farr Daily Tele Article 11 Nov 2002. "It would start if candidates had a CV of real jobs, such as medicine (Senator Brown), or even zoo keeping (NSW Upper House Green Lee Rhiannon ). Which leaves the type of candidate summed up by Kerry Nettle, who was elected a NSW senator at the poll a year ago.
This self-serving drive results in injustices against the individuals targeted, but it also endangers freedoms for all of us. So far the Muslim community has been targeted but this could spread to include activist groups in the future if people are unwilling to defend their civil liberties.
State provocations, security and Socialist Alternative The failure of the protest organisation Socialist Alternative (SA) to issue any serious response to revelations that a police agent provocateur spent a considerable period of time working within their ranks provides a revealing insight into the class character of the organisation and the opportunist nature of its politics.
Hicks 'won't tell story until he recovers'
Former Guantanamo Bay prisoner David Hicks has no intention of speaking about his experience in the near future, his lawyer says.
David Hicks breaks his silence
The [framed ex-prisoner] says he is very worried that the controversial control order obtained by the Australian Federal Police (AFP) to restrict his activities may be extended.
ASIO officers should be prosecuted
The charges against Izhar Ul-Haque were withdrawn last year, after a Supreme Court judge ruled that two ASIO officers had been "grossly improper" and criminal in their interviews with the student.
Ex-CIA Officials Tied to Rendition Program and Faulty Iraq Intel Tapped to Head Obama’s Intelligence Transition Team John Brennan and Jami Miscik, both former intelligence officials under George Tenet, are leading Barack Obama’s review of intelligence agencies and helping make recommendations to the new administration. Brennan has supported warrantless wiretapping and extraordinary rendition, and Miscik was involved with the politicized intelligence alleging weapons of mass destruction in the lead-up to the war on Iraq. We speak with former CIA analyst Melvin Goodman and Michael Ratner of the Center for Constitutional Rights.
Police provocateur infiltrates political and protest groups
In a series of articles published last month, Melbourne's Age newspaper revealed that a covert police agent recently infiltrated several left-wing political and activist groups, including Socialist Alternative, Stop the War Coalition, Unity for Peace, and Animal Liberation Victoria. Beginning in 2006, the agent provocateur was involved in anti-Iraq war demonstrations—including last year's Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) protests in Sydney—animal liberation actions, and participated in planning meetings for a protest to be held against a weapons fair in South Australia.
There's never been a terrorist attack in Australia
Just yesterday an ATM was blown out of a wall though. Hole in wall' gang blow out ATM The damage caused when thieves blew away the brick wall of a North Ryde shopping centre to steal an ATM.
Not one shred of evidence, Haneef case
Federal police knew they had nothing to link Mohammed Haneef to terrorism, but pressed on regardless, writes David Marr.
ASIO agent watched my torture - Habib
"I had to stand for hours and hours on my toes, trying not to drown: Mamdouh Habib with his family in a Bankstown cafe, yesterday. From his left are his children Ahmed, Maryam, Moustafa and Hajer, and his wife Maha.
Thomas lawyers call for inquiry
Lawyers for Melbourne man Jack Thomas are calling for an inquiry into the conduct of the Australian Federal Police and Commonwealth Director of Prosecutions, in pursuing him on terrorism charges.
Concern over anti-terrorism laws
THE Haneef inquiry emerged briefly into daylight yesterday to hear the former chief justice Sir Gerard Brennan express concern that security laws are causing "too great an erosion of our fundamental rights".
Stand down, lawyers tell Keelty
THE Australian Federal Police Commissioner, Mick Keelty, should stand down pending the outcome of the Clarke Inquiry into the handling of the Haneef case, the Australian Lawyers Alliance said yesterday.
Legal experts to mull Haneef case
The head of the inquiry, retired Supreme Court judge John Clarke QC, says the forum will examine legislation as it applied to Dr Haneef.
Benbrika guilty on terrorism charges
A Victorian Supreme Court jury has found Abdul Nacer Benbrika guilty [Draconian Laws] of leading a terrorist group.
Jury discharged in terrorism book trial
Khazal's barrister said his client wrote just two paragraphs in the book, with most of it written by other people.
Jury finds man guilty of terrorist book charge
A Supreme Court jury has found a man guilty of one terrorism-related offence and is still considering its verdict on a second terrorism-related charge.
Judge attacks disparity in laws
Justice Kirby was at the University of NSW last night to accept an honorary Doctorate of Laws for his ''eminent service to the community''.
Suspended sentence in winery terrorist plot
A Victorian grape grower who planned to blow up a rival winery in the state's north-east has been given a suspended sentence.
Terror suspects held in 'repressive' conditions: lawyer
Lawyer Rob Stary who represented five of the men convicted of terrorism related offences said the conditions they were held in were 'repressive. He said the Government should review the anti-terror laws.
Key witness terrorism trial previously jailed
Outside the court, defence lawyer Rob Stary criticised Federal Attorney-General Robert McClelland for comments made while the trial was still underway.
'Traumatic, stressful' terrorism trial - lawyer
A lawyer for one of the men found not guilty in Australia's largest [scapegoat] terrorism trial has spoken about the effect of the long-running trial on his client and on his own life.
Haneef to seek compensation
Greens...AFP needs to properly explain the reasons why it pursued the case against Dr Haneef. MORE than a year after a terrorism charge against him was dropped and more than $8 million later, the Australian Federal Police have finally confirmed they have cleared the Indian doctor Mohamed Haneef as a suspect.
Haneef advice ignored by Andrews: lawyers
Lawyers for former Gold Coast-based Dr Mohamed Haneef say they have obtained new documents showing former immigration minister Kevin Andrews ignored advice from his own department.
Haneef's lawyer wants secret dossier released
A lawyer representing former Gold Coast-based doctor Mohamed Haneef says a secret dossier used to cancel his client's visa contained no incriminating evidence against his client.
High Court rejects appeal against Thomas retrial
The High Court has rejected an application for an appeal by Melbourne man Jack Thomas against his retrial on terrorism-related charges.
Haneef lawyers want more powers in probe
Lawyers acting for Mohamed Haneef want an inquiry investigating the failed terrorism case against him to be given the powers of a royal commission.
Haneef case evidence 'to remain secret'
The retired judge who is investigating the case of Dr Mohamed Haneef says much of the evidence he has received will have to remain secret.
AFP denied lawyer to Haneef: report
Mohamed Haneef's lawyers say the Australian Federal Police (AFP) repeatedly denied their client's request for a lawyer to be present during his first interview.
Contradictory verdicts in Australia’s largest terrorism trial
Australia’s largest and most protracted terrorist trial ended with distinctly mixed results last week in Melbourne. After a Victorian Supreme Court trial that ran for 115 days, the nine women and three men on the jury took nearly four weeks to reach their verdicts. While they found seven of the twelve defendants guilty of terrorist-related offences, they acquitted four others of all charges and were unable to reach a unanimous verdict on another, who now faces a lengthy re-trial.
Bill: Independent reviewer for terrorism laws
Two Liberal Senators have introduced a private member's bill calling for an independent reviewer of terrorism laws.
Thomas to appeal retrial order
Lawyers for Victorian man Jack Thomas will appeal to the High Court against a decision to retry him on terrorism related charges.
Court orders retrial for Jack Thomas
The Court of Appeal has ordered that Victorian man Jack Thomas must be retried on terrorism-related charges.
Court denies Lodhi leave to appeal
Lodhi claimed the trial did not establish that he had actually decided to carry out a terrorist attack.
Haneef's lawyer says inquiry is weak
The inquiry into Australian authorities' handling of the Mohamed Haneef case needs stronger powers to avoid becoming a "toothless tiger", the former terror suspect's lawyer says.
Push for overhaul of laws on terrorism
In a paper in Judicial Review he said that the National Security Information Act "gves te appearance of having been drafted by persons who have little knowledge of the function and processes of a criminal trial".
Hicks media gag order ends
As part of the deal, he was also banned from speaking to the media after his release in December 2007.
Terror trial halted over prison conditions
A Supreme Court judge has put a Melbourne terrorism trial on hold and ordered Corrections Victoria to change prison conditions of the 12 accused men.
Australia: THE MONSTER
If the MONSTER says that you're a Muslim and should be locked away and tortured for thought crimes, then you should. If the MONSTER goes fishing in your backyard and says that they found explosives to make a bomb to blow up a landmark, then that is exactly what you were doing.
Use of police infiltrators raises fresh questions about “terrorist” raids in Australia According to the report, which has been confirmed by lawyers, the infiltrator acted as a provocateur to incite and entrap the alleged leader of the group, Islamic cleric Nacer Benbrika. The officer asked Benbrika to accompany him to test explosives in late 2004. The explosives had been supplied by police, who covertly monitored the trip.
Faheem Lodhi - another non-terrorist jailed under Australia's 'anti-terror' laws? Jack Thomas, a non-terrorist, has been jailed under Australia's anti-terror laws. Now Faheem Lodhi has been convicted under the terror laws on flimsy, circumstantial evidence. It is likely he is another non-terrorist jailed for political purposes under the terror laws.
Anti-liberty laws should never be passed
Law Council president John North said the laws were flawed because they allowed people to be held without charge. "There's no amount of tinkering with those laws that can save the badness of that particular law," he said.
Neo-Liberal MP's approve fascism with minor changes!
Federal dictator john hoWARd's neo-liberal MP's have approved changes to the industrial relations system (irrational relations), new counter-terrorism laws (draconian anti-liberty-laws), and the welfare-to-work [social services] package, (sick and desperate to work orders) but these are only minor changes to the draconian laws!
At Aussie we'll raid you?
Melbourne raids for Sri Lankan Authorities? Australian Federal police have raided several Melbourne addresses while they say, they were investigating possible local links for Sri Lankan Authorities.
Scapegoat law should be made redundant
There is a good faith exception which seems to me to be a reversal of proof. In other words, the practical effect of the new legislation is that a person accused of doing any of the things in the new Criminal Code [?] bears the onus of showing he or she did not act with a seditious intent. This is repugnant to the notions of fair process. [Repugnant knowing that it was presented by war criminal John Howard as well.]
Lawyers urge open reporting of terrorism cases
Justice Marcus Einfeld of the Supreme Court 'warned' secret hearings or evidence would result in an unsavoury Guantanamo-style legal system under which there were no checks on the power of authorities.
Scapegoat to stand trial because police said: he lied?
Because police said Abdul Rakid Hasan lied to them 'twice' and now he has to prove that he didn't lie to them 'twice' by facing two charges one for each alleged lie? The man was one of eight arrested in last week's counter-terrorism raids. [Scapegoat raids to bolster support and help quell dissent for the Coalition of the Killings illegal and degrading resource wars in the Middel East.]
Prime Minister Guilty of Sedition
These proposed laws break internationally recognised treaties on human rights, overturn the fundamental principle of presumption of innocence, and seriously threaten free speech and protest.
Man shot by police in ASIO fishing raids
New South Wales Premier Morris Iemma has told Parliament the shooting is under investigation. [? by the same people who shot him? So you know what the result is don't you? Police who investigate police!]
Anti-war rally report and photos
MELBOURNE: Rob Stary, president of the Criminal Defence Lawyers Association, was one of the main speakers who attacked the anti-terrorism laws as abhorrent to Australia's liberal democratic values.
Thousands flood streets to protest draconian laws
Thousands of people protested their concerns yesterday that new draconian Anti-Terror laws were an attack on dissent, not fit for a dog and any new sedition laws would strangle freedom of speech and target innocent people.
Australian Prime Minister Plays Terror Card
The Australian government is under intense pressure to water down proposed draconian laws that include provisions whereby peaceful anti-war protesters could be jailed for 7 years under the language that they support the opposition of the Australian military.
Anti-terrorism laws inquiry calls for submissions
After lobbying from the Australian Democrats, the Government has agreed to a three-week inquiry. Democrats leader Lyn Allison is expecting a strong response from the community. "I think it's going to generate a lot of interest, I think there will be a lot of submissions," Senator Allison said. But Senator Allison doubts if her party will support the legislation.
Govt yet to show proper need for anti-terrorism laws: former judge
Professor Nicholson does not believe the Government has demonstrated a proper need for the legislation. He says some judges may refuse to sit to hear applications under the law, or may regard the legislation as unlawful.
Nazi tones in John Howard's anti-terror laws, says Malcolm Fraser
FORMER Liberal prime minister Malcolm Fraser has suggested parts of the Howard Government's anti-terror package resemble measures taken by Adolf Hitler and says Kim Beazley's handling of opposition to the package should determine his leadership.
Arbitrary Detention and Magna Carta
Perhaps some rear-view vision may help you when considering the laws now being proposed regarding arbitrary detention. It is somewhat gratifying that international treaties are belatedly being cited as reasons to oppose this slide into dictatorship, but it is odd that no-one seems to remember what underpins our personal freedom here and the whole of our legal system.
The race that doesn't stop the nation
CANBERRA: And welcome to Canberra on the first Tuesday in November for the race that doesn't stop the nation. The Anti-Terrorism Cup. The final horses are being brought into the barriers, and we are almost ready for the start. "Cross the Floor" from the Joyce stables is looking very frisky. English horse "Shoot to Kill" is playing up, with jockey T Blair struggling to keep his mare under control. Blair has had a lot of trouble in foreign races lately, with "Dossier" causing massive problems in the Middle East two years ago. She is now in, and ready to go.
Constitution: Defending Against State Terror and Despots
Australia has no major laws that are not derivatives of English Law and all of our major laws rely on British court precedents for interpretation and implementation. These laws and our Constitutional Monarchy system create a situation where, even if Howard and all State Premiers vote unanimously on the Anti-Terrorist laws, and every ALP/Dem/Lib/Nat/Green party hack also votes unanimously on their laws, and even if such laws are given Royal Assent, those laws are still void.
Preventive Detention: A Shield or A Sword?
There is a consensus among educated Australians that Preventive Detention is inimical to the democratic evolution of our country. Many are those who argue that given the standards of our time preventive detention is an unnecessary evil.
Cracks in terror solidarity
In remarks that are at odds with the Premier, Morris Iemma's determined support for the legislation, Mr Debus said yesterday: "I think I share the concern about the legislation with plenty of other people. I don't query that we need to have very tough responses to the threat of terrorism [actually though, the community do query it because the actual threat of terrorism is coming from the Government] and I don't query that the premiers have signed off on a framework last month.
ASIO laws: Don't be silenced
The secrecy surrounding the proposed national anti-``terror'' legislation stands in stark contrast to previous ASIO and "anti-terror'' laws that have been subject to scrutiny by parliamentary committees and public hearings.
Despoja: Stanhope hero of the hour
Natasha Stott Despoja has described Mr Stanhope as the "hero of the hour". Senator Despoja says there is meant to be a vote on the draft legislation in the week beginning November 7.
Stanhope stands his ground
Stanhope: It is bizarre to think legislation of this significance can be rushed into Parliament without consulting a single Australian.
Australia: Draconian laws draw rights watchdog's ire
Human Rights Watch has condemned Australia's proposed anti-terrorism laws as a "shocking departure" from its historical championing of the rights of the individual.
Australia: Rattling the cage
Recently, the federal government announced a controversial new 'counter-terrorism' package. Civil libertarians were quick to raise the spectre of a police state . Yet Muslim groups argued that the new security regime is already having an impact on the democratic freedoms and everyday safety of their communities.
Anti-terrorism laws put rights at risk: Fraser
Former prime minister Malcolm Fraser says Australians could be treated unfairly under the Government's anti-terrorism [draconian] laws unless a human rights act is introduced.
They know where you live
Twenty-four hours after the country's leaders agreed to draconian counter-terrorism laws this week, the Attorney-General, Philip Ruddock, was playing down media claims that ASIO believed there were 800 would-be suicide bombers living in Australia.
When Terrorism Outlaws Democracy
On September 27, 2005, Australian democracy surrendered to terrorism. On that day, a coalition of willing federal and state leaders agreed to anti-terrorism legislation that will enable police persecution of the Muslim community and threaten dissidents with imprisonment. In a country without a Bill of Rights, the prospect of more draconian Terror Laws delivers ultimate control through fear. Australia, with its history of penal colonies, racism and detention centers, is now set to become a police state.
Mein Kampf by John Howard
Months before Bali Au warships were seen invading Iraqi territorial waters in deliberate provocations under American protection. It was obvious that Howard had decided before Bali to join in an illegal and aggressive invasion of Iraq and in fact , when that happened, it was led by Au stormtroopers BEFORE the ultimatum given Baghdad had even run out!
Australia, USA, Iraq: Scott Parkin
The rapid and widespread response to the detention of US peace and global justice activist, Scott Parkin, has been heartening and effective on many levels. Actions have taken place in Melbourne, Sydney, Brisbane, Cairns and outside several Australian Consulates in the United States.
In anticipation of the special Council of Australian Governments (COAG) meeting on counter-terrorism [scapegoats for resource wars in the Middle East.] to be held on 27 September, I announce a number of proposals to further strengthen Australia's counter-terrorism laws [make arrangements for the government and its agents to lock up anyone they want to in prison for any alleged reason whatsoever.] These proposals are designed to enable us to better deter, prevent, detect and prosecute acts of terrorism.
Government warned Terror Laws "inherently dangerous, draconian and open to misuse" John North, Law Council of Australia: "In times of fear, it is easy for governments to impose ever (more) draconian laws."
The Terrorism of ASIO Laws
Wanda Fish asks Australian Senators to reject Howard's proposal to strengthen laws that already erode our basic legal rights. This legislation has the potential to turn ASIO agents into terrorists who can kidnap and detain innocent Australians simply because they "might know something".
hoWARd, ruddock, ellison, keelty and news ltd plotted chaos
AUSTRALIA/CUBA: Government and corporate propaganda agencies 'believe' they have foiled an attack on the Melbourne Stock Exchange by a radical Islamic network linked to a covert group, which has carried out surveillance on key Sydney sites.
Houses raided over 'possible' political attack plans?
ASIO have raided a number of properties in Melbourne on a 'fishing expedition' in relation to a 'possible' political scare campaign by the hoWARd government, playing on the fears of all Australians... again!
Threat of terrorism overblown, says Kirby
The High Court judge Michael Kirby has urged Australia's security chiefs and judges not to exaggerate the risk of terrorism, saying that more people die of AIDS every day than were killed in the World Trade Centre in the September 11 [US false flag] attacks.
Innocent witch verballed by federal fascists!
Shame on the federal fascists. The wicked old witch is dead! A Melbourne Magistrates Court has heard that a 31-year-old innocent Victorian man was facing terrorism charges?
Lawyer blames police for Habib break-in
John HoWARd, Alexander Downer, Phillip Ruddock, Robert Hill, to name just a few....HOW DO YOU PLEAD?
NSW Prisoners' linked to Osama Bin Laden: Ten News
NSW prisoners held in a "box within a box" with "no fresh air or sunlight" at the countries terrorist jail (HRMU) or High Risk Management Unit at Goulburn Correctional Centre, (a super-max prison in NSW), are said to have followed Osama Bin Laden from their isolated cells.
AFP: The unlikely CRIMINAL
It was born of a bombing and it made its name after a far more devastating act of terrorism. But for most of the 25 years in between, little was known about the Australian Federal Police force or the work it did.
Police will be able to break into your home without your knowledge and no less than a common criminal not tell their victims that they are doing it.
PM, Carr attacked as judge pulls plug
In November 2002, as chairman of the International Commission of Jurists, he told a Senate inquiry "it is patently clear" that proposed anti-terrorism legislation "is aimed at Muslims". His submission said the new laws would be "subverting [liberty] more effectively than terrorism could ever do".
He was an undercover agent for the blues
He was my journalist, he was working undercover. The fellow knew all of the moves.... He really had me romping, bare footing stomping. He just kept igniting my fuse....
Draconian Scapegoat laws: Every Breath You Take?
Commonwealth ombudsman John McMillan expects there will be a need for better accountability as terrorism, [? draconian scapegoat], laws are bolstered across Australia.
Up there Khazal: Innocent man new bail laws
The New South Wales Supreme Court has asked innocent man Belal Khazal to increase to amount of surety offered, before the bail is formally continued.
Labor to back new draconian scapegoat laws?
The [alleged], federal opposition will support changes to the nation's terrorism, [? draconian scapegoat], laws, which the Government is expected to introduce to Parliament today.
Scapegoat bail laws pass NSW Parliament
New laws to make it difficult for people charged with terrorism offences, [scapegoats for the Coalition of the Killing's resource war's in the Middle East], to get bail have been whisked through the New South Wales Parliament after only being introduced earlier today.
Hatzsistergos defends speedy draconian laws
The New South Wales Government has been accused of "ramming" through a bill designed to make it much tougher for people to get bail if they are accused of terrorism-related offences, [scapegoats for the Coalition of the Killing's resource war's in the Middle East.]
Moroney moves to appeal Khazal bail decision
The federal government created the draconian laws, based on their resource war's in the Middle East and numerous, call to arms, false flag operations around the world. Then the government fear-mongered the general public about it, by using their media power, and then the federal government came up with their own solutions, about how to fix the problems, they themselves have created, for their own reasons. Now we have reduced, oversight, standards at law and reduced rules of evidence etc. Now Moroney wants to take away bail which proves the obvious.
New laws to stop bail for scapegoats
The New South Wales Attorney-General has rushed new laws into State Parliament to make it difficult for people charged with terrorism offences, [scapegoats for the Coalition of the Killing's resource war's in the Middle East], to get bail.
What's the Rush? Non Parole period for scapegoats
[Problem, Reaction, Solution. Firstly, the ASIO provocateur creates the problem, (approaches Jack Roche and asks...Can you take pictures of the Israel Embassy?) then (Roach thinks he's found a friend that also hates Israel) and then (ASIO set him up as the patsie), and then the Government gets a response from the corporate media and the general public about what to do about it. Then Ruddock finds the solution.]
Khazal: A stitch in time saves nine?
Lakemba man Belal Khazal, 34, was granted bail yesterday after appearing in Sydney's Central Local Court charged with activities related to terrorism. [Another Scapegoat for the Coalition of the Killing's resource war's in the Middle East.]
Channel Nine judge finds Saleh Jamal Guilty?
Why would a man carry out a shooting attack on a police station in Sydney's south-western suburbs? Because police wouldn't give him a licence? Because police owed him money?
If Roche wasn't "attention seeking" then he was bowled over and used by John Howard to promote his war on terror, and his addiction to promoting Abu Bakar Bashir as the ringleader of some fictional group called (JI) made up by the CIA.
Ruddock moves to give police access to emails
Police could get access to stored voicemails; emails and SMS messages under a Bill introduced to federal Parliament today. [War criminal], Attorney-General Philip Ruddock says police have had trouble getting access to stored messages because of the laws preventing them intercepting phone calls.
Australia: Innocent man granted bail
Innocent man Izhar Ul Haque was granted bail today by the NSW Supreme Court. Justice Peter Hidden granted the 21-year-old Sydney medical student $200,000 bail.
Young men terrorised, tortured, and threatened with charges for no crime by Australia mate the lucky country. Lucky if you're not used for Howard's FEDERAL ELECTION and George Dubya's WAR ON LIBERTY! Who shot liberty? IGNORANCE!
Ul-Haque 'the man who wants to become a doctor'
The taskforce is investigating French man Willie Brigitte, who was tipped back home for a visa breach. Allegedly the Un-Australian Newspaper claimed he also attended training camps before his six-month stay in Sydney. Police have not alleged Mr Ul-Haque knew Brigitte. The Un-Australian just mentioned it because they are 'you guessed it' up John Howard's butt and they like the USA want 'you guessed it' our Federal Government. Well Yankee go home!
Protest Against the Incarceration of Izhar Ul Haque
Izhar is one of the new victims of Australia's draconian civil liberties deprivation laws. He has been accused of visiting a group that was not proscribed until ten months after Izhar's alleged visit.
Terror force has chip on its shoulder?
Ron Woodham the prisons bum boy commissioner creates the problem (Noble Cause Corruption for Bob Carr) by framing a prisoner, then seeks a reaction from the community for the false flag operation, then finds the solution that the government wanted to implement in the first place.
QLD Politician (Community Safety?) Amendment Bill 2004
QUEENSLAND crime-fighting bodies will be given formidable new powers to track and thwart terrorists. [ accuse scapegoats and patsies for the Coalition of the Killing's resource war's in the Middle East], Legislation to be introduced to State.
Govt rejects ul-Haque's family 'political scapegoat' claims
The Federal Government has rejected as unfounded, claims that it is making a political scapegoat out of a Sydney man arrested on terrorism charges. [Scapegoat for the Coalition of the Killing's resource war's in the Middle East.]
Dictatorship under the crimes Act?
[War criminal], Attorney General Phillip Ruddock said yesterday under the Crimes Act Izhar Ul Haque committed a crime. But the real crime was preventing a 21-year-old young man decide for himself what is wrong and what is right. What a disgrace! Under the heading, further education.
Brain injury for suspicion 'inhumane'
Faheem Khalid Lodhi refused bail by a Sydney court and remanded until June in hell at the (HARM-U) High Risk Management Unit at Goulburn. While he is in there he will receive a brain injury and is likely to self-harm due to the gross violation of living standards.
Keelty foresees more terrorism
Australian Federal Police (AFP) Commissioner Mick Keelty says terrorist groups will continue to find new ways to threaten countries.
Daily Terror rolled-over for Howard's war games
The DAILY TERROR is suspected of being the source of the news this morning that Willie Brigitte is a terrorist and that Sydney faces a bomb attack.
Should Howard be detained indefinitely?
Australian mock, convicted terrorist and, [war criminal], John Howard is seriously considering appealing the precise time limit on detaining terrorist suspects,[scapegoats for the Coalition of the Killing's resource war's in the Middle East.]
Counter-terrorism-fear-mongering, propaganda exercise to test several states For the first time, Australia is about to test its ability to respond to terrorism threats and acts, [fear-mongering, propaganda for the Coalition of the Killing's resource wars in the Middle East], in several states simultaneously.
HoWARd, where's your head at?
Australians is living on the edge! Seems each time the bombs go off overseas for the Coalition of the Killing's resource war's in the Middle East Australians are living on the edge.
Australia: National Insecurity Anthem
Australians all let us give voice. For we are free no more. We've lost the right to liberty. In Uncle Howard's war. From high school kids. To journalists. You'll be in custody. If someone you know, give ASIO. A little insecurity.
Howard gov't and media talks up terror
First it was the Lucas Height nuclear reactor Willie Brigitte was alleged to have been planing to blow up. ASIO alleged to have found some type of map as evidence late last year.
Australian corporate media? Brigitte allegations?
A plot to attack the Lucas Heights Nuclear Reactor and blow up the Daily Telegraph Newspaper building is alleged to have been the reason Willie Brigitte was deported back to France. Believe it or not?
Brigitte release 'imminent for lack of evidence': lawyer
Lawyers for deported terror suspect, [scapgoat for the Coalition of the Killings resource war in the Middle East], Willie Brigitte expect he may be released shortly by French authorities due to a lack of evidence.
Did 'Jihad Jack' train at GI boot camp?
Parody: Jack Thomas, the Melbourne man allegedly linked to, [US demon], al-Qa'ida, [keywords: links, plots, cells, training camps, boot camps, terrorists, jihad, al-Qa'ida], through a friend of a friend of a friend, who had known about al-Qa'ida being investigated by police.
Man on first terror charge not first alleged terrorist
Zak Mallah of Condell Park was arrested overnight when federal and NSW police slipped on a banana skin into a western Sydney reserve and then raided his home.
Big Bang Theory, ASIO
The most significant threat to Australia is Prime Minister John Howard. Howard has lied to the Australian people constantly. Slaughtered the international rule of law by preventive strikes on Iraq, rigorously changed laws to deter asylum seekers, locked up children of asylum seekers, and undermined the political process by jailing Pauline Hanson, political prisoner of the year.
Sydney man terrorised by the NSW Police Force
Senior New South Wales police say s charges have been laid against a man in Sydney. Police say a 20-year-old has been charged with committing an action in preparation for a terrorist attack.
ASIO bill expected to pass Senate
The war criminal, Federal Attorney-General has defended proposed new ASIO, [an Australian terrorist organisation], powers which would limit the media's ability to report on terrorist investigations, [scapegoat investigations.]
Australian Corruption: Absence in Absentia
Two Sydney brothers illegally sentenced in Lebanon to 10 years' hard labour could cancel extradition, despite the fascist dictator John Howard declaring Australia is ready to extradite them.
Lawyer said Govt made Brigitte a scapegoat
Lawyer, Phillipe Valent: "The story of Mr Brigitte will help the Government to try to pass a new law."
Daily Telegraph: Wife had a key role in war
[Allegedly], Mr Willie Brigitte's wife was being trained by the army to fight the Resource Wars, in the Middle East and the War on Liberty here at home.
ASIO: No responsibility!
Blick: "Because these searches are carried out with the cooperation of police forces, both AFP [Australian Federal Police] and state police, it's not always entirely clear which members of the team ... are those supposed to have done the things which people complain about," he said.
Australian fascist laws ready as scapegoat talks
ASIO [state terrorists], could use its special draconian powers for the first time in coming days as security forces [state terrorists] step up their investigation of French terror suspect [scapegoat], Willie Brigitte.
Fascist wants more power for ASIO
[War criminal] Federal Attorney-General Philip Ruddock wants to strengthen Australia's terrorism laws, [scapegoat laws], to make it easier for the Australian Security Intelligence Organisation (ASIO) [state terrorists] to hold and question suspects [scapegoats and patsies], without any evidence for three years and ban organisations.
NSW Terrorist Minister leads the way
New South Wales is hosting a two-day conference of state and territory prisons ministers on how to detain terrorists [scapegoats for the Coalition of the Killing's resource war's in the Middle East.]
Child detainees 'living in a nightmare', report finds
A report being released today documents disturbing evidence about mental health for children in detention centres. The report is a joint work by the Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists, NSW University and NSW psychiatrists.
Gulag bill: ASIO set to ignite blazing debate
The Howard Government's controversial ASIO legislation [draconian laws] has top billing in the list of legislation to be debated when Parliament resumes today.The bill, due to be introduced into the Senate, gives ASIO officers [Noble Cause Corruption officers] new powers to detain for a week citizens aged 14 and over [child abuse and draconian laws.]
No need for new terrorism laws: DPP
The New South Wales Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP) has rejected the idea of new laws against terrorism in Australia.
Australia: Terrorising you in secret
Suspected terrorists [scapegoats and patsies for the Coalition of the Killing's resource wars in the Middle East] will be tried in secret under new laws to be introduced by the Federal Government.
When real safety is jeopardised in NSW
Perception of crime is still a problem in NSW, with a new Productivity Commission report showing the state's citizens feel less safe than most of their counterparts.
Midnight Special
Well, I know her by her apron and the dress she wore.
Umbrella on her shoulder, a piece of paper in her hand.
She gonna tell old Rotten Ron Woodham she want back her man.
2nd Renaissance -10 The War on Witches [150]
In 1484, Pope Innocent VIII issued a Papal Bull that became the rationale for establishing the Inquisition in Germany. The following excerpt from the Bull sets out the official view of the danger of witches to the community. The Bull and this this passage provided the sole excuse for the torture and cruel executions that were, ultimately, to be the fate of up to fifty percent of the population of some villages.
As we go to press (December 2002), both the Federal parliament and the NSW parliament are debating legislation that would give police and ASIO agents greater powers of search, interrogation and detention, and significantly erode the fundamental rights of citizens. In both cases, of course, the alleged purpose of the bills is to combat terrorism.
Special powers? Or political grandstanding?
In NSW, great slews of legislation over the past year have increased powers for everything from police to sniffer pups and train guards and vastly reduced the rights of individuals to engage in civil disobedience, freedom of expression and communication with each other.
Give peace a chance
Dowd has condemned the State and Federal Governments' anti-terrorism measures, claiming they erode rights and give encouragement to oppressive regimes.
Bills, Bills and more Bills NSW Parliament deep in debt
NSW Parliament is unjustifiable creating intellectual debt, Academics, politicians, judges, lawyers and volunteers.
It is an absolute disgrace to: Undermine civil and democratic rights The event, hosted by a State MP Lee Rhiannon just a week before the meeting of the World Trade Organisation in Sydney, has enraged Police Minister Michael Costa, who said using the House for the event was appalling. Upper House Greens MP Lee Rhiannon is hosting the forum for about 60 people in State Parliament's Jubilee Room on November 8.
The scavengers of terror
The NSW Government is to introduce increased police powers bill. Legislation giving New South Wales police special powers to deal with an emergency terrorist situation [emergency scapegoat situation] will be introduced into the New South Wales Parliament today.
Greens more of a human touch
What is a real job? Writes Political Reporter Malcolm Farr Daily Tele Article 11 Nov 2002. "It would start if candidates had a CV of real jobs, such as medicine (Senator Brown), or even zoo keeping (NSW Upper House Green Lee Rhiannon ). Which leaves the type of candidate summed up by Kerry Nettle, who was elected a NSW senator at the poll a year ago.
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