Wednesday, 26 November 2008

Williams refused leave for mum's funeral

Corrections Victoria have denied Carl Williams the right to grieve for his mother at her funeral.

Leave has been granted to his father, George Williams, who will be escorted to the funeral by Corrections Victoria prison staff.

Stringent security conditions are being put in place to accommodate his attendance.

Barbara Williams was found dead in the bedroom of her home in Essendon, in Melbourne's north-west, on Saturday morning after an apparently deliberate drug overdose.

Carl Williams is serving 35 years in jail for the murders of gangland rivals - father and son Lewis and Jason Moran, Mark Amelia and Michael Marshall - and conspiracy to murder Mario Condello during Melbourne's underworld war.

Williams' father, George, 61, is serving time for drug convictions.

In the event of a death in the family, Corrections Victoria will attempt to arrange a visit between family membes in custody, the statement said.

Quote: It is sad day for society when any person has been denied the right to grieve for their own family. If his father can be escorted then the view that Carl cannot can only be described as political. Who runs the prisons? Politicians? What happened to the Sepparation of Powers? What does that say for Victorian Corrections? They obvioussly have no intention whatsoever to correct people. Why not change the name to Victorian Punishments?

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