Friday 18 April 2008

Labor under fire over developer donations

The Queensland Opposition has accused the Labor Party of accepting tens of thousands of dollars in donations from construction companies, at the same time as the Government was deciding whether to award them contracts.

Electoral returns show Multiplex donated more than $11,000 in the days before it lodged a tender for Brisbane's controversial North Bank development.

It also gave $20,000 while its bid for the Gallery of Modern Art was under consideration.

The Labor Party denies the Government is being influenced by donations.

But Opposition Leader Lawrence Springborg has said it is a conflict of interest.

"Now there's nothing illegal in what's happened here," he said.

"But it's certainly highly questionable when you have developers lining up to be the preferred tenderer, or actually win a contract, and giving donations on the eve of that tender being released."

Quote: Why isn't a 'bribe' illegal and corrupt? Highly qestionable too!

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